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London Property Finder

30 March 2018
App that allows you to search and compare properties in London

London Property Finder is an application, similar to AirBnB, that allows the user to select the price range and then see some information about the available properties in London. This project is the work of four, and was created as an assignment for the programming module at King's College London.
Unfortunately, as this was an assignment, I could not publish the code for the project.

London property finder – welcome screen
Welcome screen with the selected price range.

When the price range has been selected, three more screens become available to the user: a map, statistics information screen, and the favourites list.

The map shows all districts in London. The house icons represent the number of available properties in that area that fit the price range – the larger the icon, the more properties are available.

London property finder – map
The map of London shows available properties in each district.

The user can click on any of the house icons to see a more detailed list of the available properties in that district. When a property is selected in the list a single property view is shown. Here the user can see all the details about the selected property, including the precise location of the property shown on the Google Maps. Additionally, the user can add this property to their list of favourites.

London property finder – single property view
A single property view with embedded Google Maps.

Statistics information screen provides some general information about all the properties in the selected price range.

    The user can see:
  • Average number of reviews per property per price range,
  • Number of available properties in the price range,
  • Number of Entire Homes/Apartments in the price range,
  • Top 5 priciest neighbourhoods,
  • Average number of reviews per district,
  • Average price per room type,
  • Properties near the selected address and
  • Five districts with the most properties.
London property finder – stats screen (part 1)
Statistics information screen shows various data about the properties in the selected price range.
London property finder – stats screen (part 2)
The user can switch between eight statistics panels.

Most of the statistics panels are static and require no action from the user. However, to see the properties nearby the selected address (see “Properties near me” panel), the user needs to enter their preferred address and the range in miles. The application will then display the number of the properties within the selected range. The user can also see the list of these properties.

The favourites list screen allows the user to see all properties saved, and compare their details. Amongst other details the user can also compare the crime rate in that area.

It's worth noting that the price range can be changed at any time. All the panels will be reset accordingly except the favourites list, hence the user can also compare properties from different price ranges.

London property finder – comparator
The favourites list, where user can compare various details of the saved properties.

The data is taken from the real-life AirBnB dataset stored in a CSV format. The crime rates data is taken from a different CSV dataset which was retrieved from the government records.