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HackKing's 4.0

27 November 2017
Won the 3rd place by designing a pseudocode-like programming language

HackKing's 4.0 was a hackathon organised by KCL Tech Society on the 25-26 November 2017. At this hackathon, we started working on a pseudocode-like language, called Javito. The aim was to create a programming language that would be much simpler to learn. This could help the very beginners to pick up programming without getting confused with sometimes complicated syntax.

I designed a simple compiler that read the code from a Javito file and generated a proper Java file that could then be executed. This was made so that the learner could compare a simplified pseudocode with the more complex, and more powerful, Java code. You can see a short example of Javito on Devpost.

Venue during presentations
The venue of the hackathon. On the right of the picture you can see us presenting our project to the judges. Source.

The judges loved the idea and demos and awarded us with the 3rd place MLH medal.

MLH medal
The medal and a little gift we won.